Ski Tracks: Rebranding with mixed reality

Revamping one of Europes best loved sporting apps with share functions, navigation tracking and mixed reality capabilities.


Background & Context

From extensive user research and competitor analysis, I had determined that Ski Tracks; one of Europe’s most used sport tracking apps, was lacking in comparison to some of their direct competitors in the field. Despite the fact that their user retention remains relatively strong, year after year they are losing users over to other, more feature-heavy and user friendly products such as Strava, Apple Fitness or SnowFit.

After conducting user surveys, user testing and comp analysis, the mission statement is clear; Ski Tracks needs an overwhelming update. A complete overhaul of the information architecture, user interface and accessibility is necessary to patch the holes and bring in additional functionality to regain user retention. This should help the product to reach a wider audience that, in today’s landscape, want a sport tracking app that offers more than just accurate statistics.

While statistics still rule the roost within apps like this, research has shown that there is now a need to deliver more for todays user. Features such as navigation and group sharing which are missing from Ski tracks current product, are usually common place in most other competitors.
Ski Tracks (concept project)
My Role
Entire project - Research, Design, Prototyping and Testing
Quantitive research techniques, User Surveys, Usability Tests and 2D Design Tools; Figma, After Effects, 3D Design tools; Blender, Unity
April 2022 to present (WIP)

Strategic intent

Given that Ski Tracks has a high level of users, we would have the ability to gradually implement updates to the product, and gather high amounts of feedback from both quantitative and qualitative perspective.The technical and design goals for this project would be to scale the product features to bring it more in-line with what Ski Track's users now require from the service. And so, with the more pressing functions being navigation and sharing, the immediate goals for the project are:

Share Functionality

Research has shown that most sport tracking apps have sharing capabilities built into the product to allow real world interactivity amongst users. As this should be an additional feature built onto the primary flow of the product, privacy setting will be toggled on or off depending on the nature of the activity.

92% of users download and utilise Ski Tracks whilst away with friends or family and often compare their results and statistics with others. As there is currently no function within the product to accommodate this, these interactions are taking place offline and are therefore unable to be tracked, analysed or targeted.

By building in this feature, we can aim to bridge these gaps and ultimately regain customer loyalty and user retention.

Navigation & AR

Navigation within sport tracking apps is relatively common place within the current landscape. Whilst seen as a secondary function within sporting apps, research shows that navigation within snow-sport apps in particular, could be a valuable addition to products within this market. Since most snow-sports already rely heavily on navigation to get from one piste to the next, the addition of navigation within this type of product seems obvious.

Using navigation as a platform, I am intending to build in the concept of adding Augmented Reality into the user interface. As all technology is quickly moving into this space, the addition of AR within this project could prove extremely useful for the end user, and subsequently, the company growth. My designs will be showcasing a concept rather than addressing any actual technical implementation.